Monday, March 05, 2007

I could go running...

or, I could play with paper and scissors.

Yeah, paper and scissors. I finished a few more pages for my running journal with the scrapbooking toys Emily sent me.

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This is the first page of the album. A washed out picture of the women's winner from the 2006 MiniMarathon, when Peggy and I stood on the sidelines and said "Hey, we should do that."

Technically it wasn't the winner that inspired us, but the regular people who finished an hour or so later. If they could do it, so could we - or at least that was the thought process at the time. Anyway, that's why I went with the washed out picture - I wanted it to be a little non-descript.

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This page was a lot cooler in my head. I made the scale out of cardstock then added the vellum overlay. In the category of superfluous details, you can spin the arrow back and forth from "in shape" to "out of shape." I don't love it, but it details the bet Peggy and I made. Whoever could lose the most weight at 3/6/9 months got a mani/pedi/massage.

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This page and the next one I'm pretty pleased with though. I love the yellow running-themed paper Emily found. This is the couch-to-5k training program we "followed." The eight week program took us way longer than that, but eventually we got there.

I'm not sure if it is because I am cheap or impatient, but I didn't have any black cardstock when I was working on this and really wanted something to make the 5K stand out. So I colored a piece of seafoam green cardstock with a black marker to make the starburst and little dots.

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This page is part of the reason the couch-to-5k thing took so long (the other part of the reason is because I was much more fond of the "couch" part than the "5k" part). Anyway, Peggy got sick. Scary sick.

But she's better now, so I can joke about it. Actually, I joked about it when she was sick, but I'm a fan of gallows humor.

The "seriously?" title probably reflects the influence of Grey's Anatomy on my use of slang, but it kind of fits since the heart/lung image is from the 1918 edition of Gray's Anatomy. (the cartoon swearing is probably the influence of Beetle Bailey in my life. what can I say? not eveything has to bookend together)



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