Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Okay, it's October 31st. My month-long binge crafting experiment is officially over. Despite some whining there towards the end, I think that overall, my first ArtSoMoFo Poseur adventure was a success.

I like having creativity as a part of my daily routine, but I think I'll still give myself the occasional day off (I miss reading).

I left off on Day 22. This is how I finished out the month...

Day 23 (10/23/06)

I cast on for my revised ginormous-head edition Fetching hat. I only made it through the first cable round, but it's a start.

Day 24 (10/24/06)

I made it through cable round 2 on the Fetching hat. Those little 2x2 cables take me forever. I also packaged up some notecards for s&em designs. Some of these will be sent out along with our mini-button idea books for the Sampler. They are pretty simple but hopefully are the sort of thing people will be excited to find in their mailboxes.

Day 25 (10/25/06)

I worked on a top secret project for my knitty CASP3 pal. I griped about this earlier when my pen broke - but I still can't show you what I made.

Instead I'll show you the super awesome package my secret pal sent to me. Mail is the greatest.

She sent me some delicious smelling candies, a candle, some garlic (should come in handy for experimental cooking nights) and a coupon for free stuff at Bath & Body Works. Not sure what I'm going to get yet, but I'm sure it will smell yummy too. She also sent me an amaryllis plant.

I potted it over the weekend. My last attempt at gardening didn't go so well, but I have high hopes for this guy. If all goes well, it should bloom just after Christmas when all of the decorations are down and the house seems so dreary.

(I hope Maddie doesn't eat it)

Day 26 (10/26/06)

A bit more work on my Fetching hat and I made some banana bread. Although in truth the bread had more to do with my inability to eat produce in a timely manner than creative endeavors, I think it still counts.

Day 27 (10/27/06)

I worked on a few top secret graphic design projects. I had good intentions to knit, but later thought a third beer during movie night sounded like a better idea. (Sarah + three beers + pointy sticks = bad news)

Day 28 (10/28/06)

More hat knitting. Things have progressed more quickly since I finished the cables, but it is still pretty slow going. This may be a sign that I need to learn continental knitting so I can speed up, but our weather is back up in the 70s so hat delays don't seem so critical just now.

Day 29 (10/29/06)

This is when I made Maddie's candy corn costume.

Day 30 (10/30/06)

I did a bit of experimental cooking - lemon chicken with a bit of a free-for-all from the spice rack. It came out pretty good, although I wished I had grilled it rather than baked it. The flavor was missing something, and I think that something was fire.

I also knit a few more rounds on my Fetching hat, but I suspect that you are sick of me saying that with no pictures to show for it.

Day 31 (10/31/06)

I made it! All I did today was knit one round on my hat before heading in to work, but I feel like that's enough to get my check mark for the day. I should have some time to knit more tonight after I parade Maddie around the neighborhood in her little outfit, but I didn't want to wait to post.

Done! Finito! 31 days of crafting (well, okay, only 29 since I blew it that one weekend, but that's pretty close).

Lots more crafting to come, although with slightly fewer anal retentive timelines. Bring on Lacevember!

Happy Halloween, y'all.


At 7:00 PM, Blogger Briana said...

Wow girl! Are you ever busy!!!! That was an awesome gift sent to you!


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