Thursday, April 19, 2007

The shake down...

What were we thinking?

Sorry for the infrequent posting. Non-crafty life has a bit crazy of late.

Emily is running around like a crazy woman this week for Hope Closet. Hope Closet is a very cool organization that provides free prom dresses to area high school students. This is the week when they open the "store" for the students to come in and find their perfect dress. You can view some news coverage for the event here.

Sarah had the crazy notion that she should be a runner. I've signed on for my first ever Derby Festival miniMarathon for Saturday, April 28th. I have no business running .1 miles, let alone 13.1, but some how or another, I'll get myself through it.

So, what does it mean?

(1) Training and whining about training has taken up a lot of Sarah's crafting time. Sorting through prom dresses and accessories has monopolized Em's. We'll be back to our regularly scheduled posting soon.

(2) I'm shaking down our blog readers for charitable donations. Well, kinda.
While a lot of people do raise money for charity during the miniMarathon and other races, I'm not doing anything so formal. But, I'm tired and sore and 13.1 miles is really far and frankly, I'm pretty dang impressed with myself. I hope you are impressed with me too.

If you are, next time you write a check to your favorite charity, you should add a dollar or two for me.

If you don't already have a favorite charity, I'll offer the following suggestions:

For the craftily inclined, Hope Closet could use earrings, necklaces, handbags, wraps and other formal-wear accessories for Prom 2008. If you are good with a sewing machine or are looking to de-stash some rhinestones, they could use 'em. Send an email to craftfetish (at) yahoo (dot) com and we can get you the details.

For a not-so-crafty option, my friend Rachelle is also running the miniMarathon and is raising money through Team In Training to benefit the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Rachelle was more or less a non-runner when she first got involved with Team In Training. Since then, she has completed several marathons and half marathons and has given me all kinds of help and support as I tried to get my butt in shape for this thing.

This is actually Rachelle and I at the finish of the "Reindeer Romp" back in December. (Okay the photo is horrible, but I thought I was going to die and it was really friggin' cold)

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Even though her normal pace is considerably faster than mine, she hung back and ran (practically in place) the whole thing with me. Then, because she rules, she subtly stepped behind me at the finish line so that I could come in 645th place and she'd be 646th (or whatever it was). She's good people.

So if you are looking for a place to make a financial contribution, this is Rachelle's Team In Training donation page.

Okay, end of shake down.

See that wasn't so bad. No hard selling here. We'll be back with more craftiness soon - just as soon as we get a nap. Wish us luck!


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